Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Free us Lord from our blind spots

"Free us, Jesus, from our inner Pharisee, from every inclination to self-righteousness, from every notion of being morally superior, from every tone of voice, every gesture or glance that could shame others or flatter ourselves. Let no cause, no matter how worthy, seduce us into idolizing ourselves or demonizing others. In a world where so many feel isolated and alone, let us be builders, nor destroyers, of bridges. Teach us how to admit and overcome our blind spots.” Bishop Ken Untener

As I reflected on these words of Bishp Untener,I thought that it remains terribly true that people of every religion, every race, every nation, every language, have engaged in horrendous evils. And yet our true response surely is not the trivial feeling of moral superiority. Rather, such evils ought to sadden us, and impel us to examine what seeds of violence lie hidden within our own selves. We will not make much headway in building bridges by trying to make someone else feel inferior. And yet for some of us, in small ways and out of weakness in ourselves, we do this to others.

There is a time and place for political action. There is a time and place for reflection and prayer.

So we meditate. We stand in need of the mercy of God and meditation is a way to open our hearts to the transforming love of God. God looks on us with such tender mercy. And God does indeed will our healing. Even more wonderful, it is well to realize that this standing naked before God in meditation is of more value to the world and to our neighbor than anything else we could do.

How do we know this? Because Our Savior Jesus Christ Our Lord, prayed. And he continued to pray even during the hours he was on the receiving end of horrendous evils, during his suffering and dying and death.

Was not his response to evil one of love? To the thief: This day you will be with me in paradise. And then: Father, forgive them for they know not what they do. It seems to me that this was said first to those who cricufied him but also to all of us sinners.

Let us meditate in great trust. When we come before God without an agenda, without having to think up things to say to God, but simply opening our hearts to God and saying our prayer word as a symbol and a reminder that we are in the hands of God. By meditation we create a space in the universe where God is allowed to freely work his mercy and love. We seek to place no obstacle in the way of the peace which God wants to give us. At least for this ½ hour!

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