Sunday, October 28, 2007

We have come to believe in the Love God has for us. 1 John

This is the foundation of what it means to be a Christian at all. To believe in God’s love. And this is to say that we walk in mystery.
We do not know the future. We do not know the whole of our own lives. We hardly realize that there are depths to our own being, those caverns within.

Because we believe, we can turn to the life of Jesus and see how trusting Jesus was in the love the Father had and has for Him. We can see that the Spirit led Jesus. We can see that Jesus could feel agony as in the Garden, and really desire to be free of suffering, and still submit Himself with perfect love to the mysterious and unsearchable ways of God in human life. This trust can be ours too, and with it goes the great virtue of Hope.
Hope deals with our memory. Without memory of our past we would be lost and would not know who we are. Se we don’t discard memory. Yet memories of our past definitely affect the present. Memories can feed resentment, feed anger and aggression, promote unmanageable desires, and false pride. They can tyrannize our emotions.
We need to ask God to show us how to unhook from memories that get us all worked up. And what about the other role of memory which makes us anxious about the future? “Do not be anxious for tomorrow for tomorrow with be anxious for itself. Let the day's own troubles be sufficient for that day. The build up of anxiety or worry which problems or crises bring in no way help to bring about a better situation. Makes us worse off.
Hope is that refreshing realization that Jesus rose from the dead/ That there is a future of goodness for us, that sorrows or evil do not have the last word at all.
When we take the time to meditate or center, we are taking the time to entrust our whole life to the mystery of the love God has for us. Meditation is a path to increasing trust and hope and so to more peaceful living. As Jesus says to us, too, My peace I give you, not as the world gives peace. Not in any form of violence, but in coming to believe in the love God has for us.
Let is meditate.

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