Monday, September 03, 2007

The Presence of God

"There is not in the world a kind of life more sweet and delightful, than that of a continual conversation with God. Those only can comprehend it who practice and experience it." ... Brother Lawrence. The Practice of the Presence of God.

This goes right along with what St. Paul tells us: Pray always. Or with what Jesus says to us: Abide in me as I abide in you.

And I was quite delighted to find Karl Rahner saying that since we are to pray always it is also OK to be always talking about prayer.

Continual conversation with God can be so simple. First we must believe that God is with us. That we live and breathe always in the Presence of God. There is never a moment of life that God is not with us because if God were not, we would not even be. Once we take that to heart, it is so simple: just refer all to God in almost any prayer at all that is addressed to God.

There is a certain kind of pride in thinking that we have to wait until we have it just right, or until we have it “all together” We are just human and that is why Jesus says to us Blessed are the poor in spirit’ theirs is the kingdom of God. That is, we just admit our life is a gift, we own nothing that we can take with us. we are not perfect, we are on a journey to fullness, In the meantime, we pray

A walking prayer is a good way to get into praying always. Just find a psalm verse or other short prayer and try saying it when ever you are walking to the car, to a store, from the car. . Up or down a flight of stairs. Standing in line. When you wake in the night. There are multiple opportunities. Just ask like the disciples did: Lord teach us to pray. Or Help me to remember you are with me. Or from Ps 23 Thou art with me.
Or as someone I know does, just keep saying Our Fathers, or Hail Marys.
Let us meditate.

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