Friday, May 18, 2007


Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
John of the Cross says that as the object of hope is something unpossessed,
the less we clutter our lives with possessions, the more capacity there is to hope for what is unseen and yet promised.. We need to let there be space in our minds and memories too. Not just a limit to possessions, but a limit to the endless chatter of our minds. Sometimes people can spend days and nights rehashing something that has happened, getting upset over and over. This is not the peace promised. Instead we are urged to pray always. Take every confusion, doubt, and darkness to prayer. Hold them up to the healing love that God has for us, the healing love that Jesus showed us in word and in deed. I believe that the promises of God are not just for the life after death. No. Jesus has promised us peace. "My peace I give you, my peace I leave you, not as the world gives peace.". The world, and our government imagines that peace comes from owning more, bossing more, winning war. Out of the barrel of a gun. Not so. Jesus love was too great for all that, He only offered healing love, in word and in deed.
In Letter 19 to Juana de Pedraga, John of the Cross wrote: Live only in dark and genuine faith, and sure hope, and unmitigated love. Be joyful and trust in God"
Hope is an immense openness to a promised unseen future. As My Mother said off and on while dying: ":trusting in your infinite good ness and promises." Hope moves through and beyond the present moment. Not restlessness but anticipation. That is why my father, in much pain dying of lung cancer, could go right on being joyful. He had been gifted with hope and trust. He was eager for the promised future.
So part of hope is confidence that God’s love is certain, yet mysterious, with us in every possible situation whether felt or unfelt. That is why faith hope and love are intertwined.
When we sit in silence and sound our prayer word in our inmost being, we are opening our hearts to the gift of hope. And faith and love. In the poverty of this way of prayer, we are not seeking an out of the body experience, we are not seeking to be better than another. We are just entrusting God with our lives as Jesus did. Into your hands, Lord, I commend my spirit. Let us meditate.

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