Saturday, April 28, 2007

Making Space for God

This is really a strange saying. After all, we are immersed in God; there is no space anywhere that is not in the presence of God. As we say in Ps 139 Where can I flee from your presence?
What is true though is that we have so many things floating around in our brains, so many things that we imagine we have to give our attention to that our attention is very divided. We are great at multi-tasking.

Well, I think we can put this ability to multi task to good use.
The secret is to worship God in spirit and in truth. .The truth is that God is paying utmost attention to us, to our hearts as well as our activities. We have a faithful Friend always available to us, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, never to part.

Now we have abundant historical evidence that the early Christians made it hard & fast practice to pray in the early morning. My Mother used to tell us: you must seek God in the morning if you want Him through the day.

When we take up the discipline of meditating in the morning and taking some time to read and ponder a scripture passage, we are more likely to remember God is with us. It is so amazingly simple to turn our attention to the reality of the Presence of God. Think of how we are able to be aware of the presence of each other..or the absence of someone we love.

How shall we multitask with God? Meditate faithfully every morning and some other time in the day, even if it has to be twice in the morning. Then make the walking prayer a prayer that reminds you of the reality that God is looking at you with love in every moment of every day. This is where the walking prayer is helpful . Try to have a prayer that you say briefly and often all through out the day.

When we meditate we need to give our whole heart attention to it the way we would if we were trying to do some difficult physical task that required total attention so that we do not fall! Le me tell you I have the distinct memory of climbing down a rope ladder with a pack on my back and I knew I had to be total attentive so I would not fall into the sea! Or even fall onto the edge of the boat receiving me. Giving this attention to meditation gradually alerts our whole being. Then more and more throughout our day, all will be given to God with Love.

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