Monday, January 07, 2008

the presence of freedom

"However great be the beauty of something from God, it is not acclaimed if freedom is not present." 6th century Syrian Catholic Poet Jacob Sureg

Until the 7th century, the Syriac language was widely used among the early Christians. It was the language closest to the Aramaic that Jesus and those with him spoke. Lately we have had some of those early writings translated into English and we see a fascinating way of telling about the Gospel stories. They sang hymns in Church that were dialogues between people in the Bible. So in one dialogue song about Mary we see her in a dialogue with Gabriel and we see that these early Christians "understood Mary’s obedience to mean that she made her choice by her own intelligent free will." For example in one song, God gives advice to Gabriel, "Do not stand up to Mary or argue. For she is stronger that you in argument, Do not speak too many words to her, for she is stronger that you in her replies….If she starts to question you closely, disclose to her the mystery and then be off.
Yes, Mary had freedom of thought and speech and this was paradoxically combined with her unwavering acceptance of God’s word. "Behold the servant of the Lord, be it done to me according to your word." God, in wisdom, needs our consent. In Mary, God who had so graced her, also found this freedom to say Yes to the work of God
A great prayer to say before we meditate. This is a way to say Yes to God!
Now St. Augustine said to God: "our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee, O God." this is the reality we seek: to experience the mystery of God. And yet we need to be very sure that it is not ourselves who create or can give ourselves this experience. All is grace. That is, all good is given to us gratuitously. Unearned, unmerited, unachieved, without our control. Mary freely chose. It is amazing that we are indeed free to say yes to God. Remember how St. Paul says: one plants, one waters, but only God gives the increase.
How shall we open our hearts to the gratuitous giving by God? One good way is to meditate daily. We are busy people. We have responsibilities. Yet we have come apart for silent prayer. We also may have many intentions. People we care about for whom we pray. The world in all its warring and hatreds and imagined needs for getting even. So in need of the blessing of God and yet so often not ready at all to hear. Our own need for forgivenees, our need to learn to trust in God.
How shall we be receivers? How shall we let go of preoccupation with ourselves as the Pope said.
One way is to make the time and take the time for Christian Meditation. We set aside two periods each day. When we sit down to pray, we must indeed remind ourselves that God is with us. Not just the written prayer, but an inner personal acknowledgment of the presence of God. As Ps 23; thou art with me, thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me. Here with attention to the reality of the Presence of God, we let go of all preoccupations. We entrust all to God. we do not bring an agenda to God. We simply say with Mary: Behold the servant of the Lord, be it done unto me according to your word.

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