Saturday, August 11, 2007

"to live through love in His Presence" Ephesians 1:4

August 1, 2007
I love this passage from Ephesians Before the world began, God chose us in Christ to be holy and spotless and to live through love in His Presence.
Many times I have wondered about the word holy. And I have come to think that it means totally loving. Only love and goodness and mercy without a shadow of anything less. This is our God. We cry out Holy Holy Holy Lord God of host., Heaven and earth are full of your glory.
So how shall we become this? I believe this is the work of God in us, and that our part is to cling to God, to turn to God, to acknowledge in faith that we are immersed in God. We live in God and can have an intimate and personal relationship with God. Who teaches us.
God teaches us through the Bible, so we listen or read with open heart. God teaches us through events. St. Therese Couderc tells us "Events make know the Will of God." God teaches us in prayer. Our human life is meant to be a shred life so that we can also learn from each other.
When we practice Christian Meditation or centering Prare, we are quite simply just coming to the Lord without any agenda except to be open to His Love. We begin by remembering the reality of the Presence of our God and by acknowledging God in as personal a way as we are able. Then we repeat our prayer word gently over and over and when ever we find any thought or image coming to our head we just go back to our word because that is when we are just open to whatever way God wants to love us and heal us.
We are to let go of all our thinking in a discursive sense, but we are not to let go of that faith by which we know we are in God and God is in us.
As Jesus said: Abide in me as I abide in you

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