Friday, November 18, 2005

Cry the beloved country

11-18-05 Center of Concern* regrets passage of budget bill by House
The Center of Concern expresses deep disappointment at the passage late last night by the House of a federal budget that would cut aid to social programs for the working poor, students, and farmers. Retaining 98% of the cuts to programs to assist low-income and poor individuals and familes requested b the original version of the budget while the House goes on to attempt to make tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans permanent is an outrage and a clear attempt to transfer wealth from those in poverty to the already wealthy.

Let us weep for our country that now places burdens on those in need, and enriches those who are already rich. What shall we be three years from now? A land of oppression, a land of oppression and neglect. A land where we tax work instead of money.


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