Sunday, November 26, 2006

What was the real agenda?

When Pope John Paul II was very sick, before USA went to Iraq, the Pope sent Cardinal Pio Laghi, former Ambassador to Wasington, to try to talk President Bush and his adviors out of the war with Iraq. In vain.

The Cardinal pointed out to Bush the difficulty of language, the serious conflicts between Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds. He also told Bush that while the American Army could quickly overcome Hussein's interior defenses, what would follow would be unmanageable human problems
Cardinal Laghi complained to Mr Bush that he had "come from Rome not only to hear you...but also to be heard." In a speech in Camaldoli, Arezzo, Italy on October 4, 2203, the Cardinal said,
"I had the impression that they had already made their decision."

Looking back it is easy to see why so many people said the war was illegal, immoral and unncessary.

We have caused unbearable harm to the Iraqi people. Bush and Blaair are fully responsible for these disastrous consequences.

How is it that no one in our government has yet given us the real agenda for this evil war?