Sunday, January 01, 2006

I am a conservative!

To conserve means to keep in a safe and sound state. I want to conserve the main purpose of government which is to serve the common good. Alas for our country which is now quite busy serving the rich and letting the poor sink into ever deeper poverty.
I want to conserve the purpose of taxes which is to serve the common good. For those who have much to give more in taxes, so that those who have little can survive. Yes, it taxes in order to serve the common needs of government, transportation, education.
How sad that our present course is to run up a gigantic debt, the biggest in our history, by reducing taxes on the rich and cutting back very needed services for children, for health care, In other words the present regime in USA is less and less concerned with the common good than in serving the richest people.
A good example is the recent budget cut which reduced the spending for Head Start. A proven education assist for small children. It is not needed by the rich who can afford provate schooling. But it is certianly needed not only by poor children but by those who have early childhood learning difficulties.
And to reduce the debt by taking away the health safety net for the poor is shameful. A person I know, whose social security check is $395 amonth, is no longer eligible for medicaid because her income is too high!
How easily we forget the warning of the Prophets! Here is one from Mary the Mother of Jesus. It is in Luke 2. He has put down the might from their thrones and raised high the lowly. He has filled the hungry with good things and sent the rich away empty.
Or try reading the first two chpater of Isaiah.