Sunday, April 03, 2005

Pope John Paul II

April 3, 2005
"During this Easter season we are reminded once again that the risen Jesus, as his first gift to his disciples, gave them his gift of peace," said Bishop Gabino Zavala, Bishop President of Pax Christi USA. "Of the many memories I have of John Paul II is his consistent stance as an ambassador for peace. He taught us that peace is clearly the only way to justice, that true courage lies in working for peace."

During his pontificate, Pope John Paul II consistently called on world leaders to solve their differences through diplomacy rather than resorting to violence. He lamented that humanity too often gave in to the "culture of death" by relying on weapons of war, devaluing the dignity of the human person, and disrespecting the sanctity of God's creation.

"The Holy Father's passing is a sad day for all of us who have valued his leadership in working for a world that is more peaceful," said Dave Robinson, executive director of Pax Christi USA. "His was a voice which trumpeted peace over war, reconciliation over division, and policies which furthered the common good over policies which benefited those few who have money and power while creating misery for the world's poor."

As the leader of the world's one billion Catholics, Pope John Paul II frequently addressed the connection between faith and justice, calling on Christians and all people of good will to work together to overcome the grave social evils of our time.

Not sad for him! And really what is sad that there is one less voice for real justice in the world scene.

He made other mistakes but he was right about these matters and right about saying the Iraq war is immoral and illegal.